1. If you don’t want to use embedded indicators of ReportViewer then you can use the characters from charmap. That is the easiest way. In that case, you will put the ballot box and ballot box with X with the code.
=iif(Fields!<<fieldname>>.Value.ToString() = "1", "☒", "☐")
2. If you want to use indicators of Reportviewer then you can follow these steps:
- Right Click you Rectangle and go to Insert | Indicator
- When the Indicator window opens, Select the middle option in the “Symbols” Section (has a cross, exclamation and tick)
- Press OK, then Right Click the Indicator and click Indicator Properties
- Go to Value and States. In the list of States at the bottom, delete the X and the exclamation. Set the Tick to have Start = 1 and End = 1
- In the Value field enter
=Iif(Fields!<<fieldname>>.Value = True, 1, 0)
(obviously replace <> with the name of your field - In the States Measurement Unit field, select “Numeric”