To solve that problem you need to set the property ConsumeContainerWhitespace to True (in the properties dialog, F4).
Category: Reportviewer
How to use Switch in Reportviewer
= Switch(Fields!YourField.Value = “Value1”, “The result of the first condition”, Fields!YourField.Value = “Value2”, “The result of the second condition”, Fields!YourField.Value = “Value3”, “The result of the third condition”, 1 = 1 , “That is for the default value” ) 1=1 refers to default in switch case. IF you want to use IIF then You […]
How to set hyperlink to open in new window in Reportviewer
The MSDN lists supported HTML in SSRS, quoting that article: • Hyperlinks: <A HREF> • Fonts: <FONT> • Header, style and block elements: <H{n}>, <DIV>, <SPAN>, <P>, <DIV>, <LI>, <HN> • Text format: <B>, <I>, <U>, <S> • List handling: <OL>, <UL>, <LI> Only the href attribute on a tag is supported. That means target attribute will be ignored. To set hyperlink to open in new window in Reportviewer, you must set the “HyperlinkTarget” property of Reportviewer […]
How to format decimal number like “00.00” in ReportViewer
=Format(CDbl(Fields!YourDecimalNumber.Value),”00.00″) OUTPUT for 3,2: 03.20 for 34: 34.00
How to display total sum of seconds in hh:mm:ss format in ReportViewer
=Format(DateAdd(“s”, Fields!MySecondsField.Value, “00:00:00”), “HH:mm:ss”)
How to split numeric and decimal parts in ReportViewer
‘Int’ Function returns the integer protion of a number. For integer part: =Int(3.14159) -> This gives the number 3 or you can use with that value comes from DataSource =Int(Fields!TheDataSourceField.Value) For decimal part: =3.14159 – Int(3.14159) -> This gives a value close to 0.14159 or you can use with that value comes from DataSource =Fields!TheDataSourceField.Value […]
Rename Report while exporting to PDF or Excel in Microsoft ReportViewer
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DisplayName = “The_Name_For_My_Report”; or ReportViewer1.ServerReport.DisplayName = “The_Name_For_My_Report”;
How to make some specific word(s) Bold or Underline in ReportViewer
Click into the text box (so your cursor is in the text box) Right Click and select “CREATE PLACEHOLDER” In Markup Type select “HTML – Interpret HTML tags as styles” In Value: Bold: =”This is a <b>Queue</b> Builder” Underline: =”This is a <u>Queue</u> Builder”
How to control “a checkBox is checked or not” in RDL reportview
1. If you don’t want to use embedded indicators of ReportViewer then you can use the characters from charmap. That is the easiest way. In that case, you will put the ballot box and ballot box with X with the code. =iif(Fields!<<fieldname>>.Value.ToString() = “1”, “☒”, “☐”)
How to change ReportViewer Date Format