Declare @spnames CURSOR Declare @spname nvarchar(max) Declare @moddef nvarchar(max) Set @spnames = CURSOR FOR select distinct object_name( from syscomments c, sysobjects o where c.text like '%findtext%' and = and o.type = 'P' OPEN @spnames FETCH NEXT FROM @spnames into @spname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN Set @moddef = (SELECT Replace ((REPLACE(definition,'findtext','replacetext')),'ALTER','create') FROM sys.sql_modules a JOIN ( select type, name,object_id from sys.objects b where type in ( 'p' -- procedures ) and is_ms_shipped = 0 )b ON a.object_id=b.object_id where = @spname) exec('drop procedure dbo.' + @spname) execute sp_executesql @moddef FETCH NEXT FROM @spnames into @spname END