Let’s say you want to use 2 or more classes for a div. Then you should use these classes inside the class attribute, separated by whitespace: <div class=”myFirstClass mySecondClass”></div> To target elements that contain all of the specified classes, use this CSS selector (no space) in your CSS file: .myFirstClass.mySecondClass {}
Tag: space
How to insert space in Razor Asp.Net
@if (condition) { <text> </text> @: }
Hide element in CSS with Display and Visibility
visibility: hidden (Hide but keep the space) <div stlye=”visibility: hidden;”>The Components We want to Hide</div> By default, the value of the visibility property is visible. However, if you want to make an image invisible, you can set the value of visibility to hidden. display: none (Hide and remove the space) <div stlye=”display: none;”>The Components We want to Hide</div> The display […]
How to check for ‘IS NOT NULL’ And ‘IS NOT EMPTY’ string in SQL
If you only want to match N” as an empty string SELECT COLUMN FROM TABLE WHERE DATALENGTH(COLUMN) > 0 If you want to count any string consisting entirely of spaces as empty SELECT COLUMN FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN <> ” If you want to use DATALENGTH for any string consisting entirely of spaces then you […]
How to trim whitespaces between characters in C#
trim() function does NOT remove “all whitespace characters” of your string. So instead of trim(), you can use String.Replace method: string str = “C Sharp”; str = str.Replace(” “, “”); OUTPUT: CSharp or if you want to remove all whitespace characters (space, tabs, line breaks…) string str = “C Sharp”; str = Regex.Replace(str, @”\s”, “”); […]
Replace duplicate spaces with a single space in SQL
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(‘ With this query you select single spaces’,’ ‘,'<>’),’><‘,”),'<>’,’ ‘) OUTPUT: With this query you select single spaces