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Tag: solve
How to solve extra blank page at end of Microsoft Reportviewer
To solve that problem you need to set the property ConsumeContainerWhitespace to True (in the properties dialog, F4).
How to solve the stucking on “Loading Packages” phase for SSMS installation
to fix this problem: remove temp files from %temp% folder (C:\Users<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp) open the register and remove “HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio” or execute via cmd (with admin rights): reg DELETE “HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio” /reg:32 run install with admin rights NOTE: Just for those who don’t know register just open CMD as an […]
How to solve 0xc0000135 application errors after Windows 11 Update
Windows 11 users are receiving 0xc0000135 errors when attempting to launch applications after installing the recent Windows 11 KB5013943 cumulative update. Yesterday, Microsoft released new Windows cumulative updates to fix security vulnerabilities and bugs as part of the May 2022 Patch Tuesday. These updates include the Windows 11 KB5013943 update, which included fixing a bug causing .NET […]
How to solve ajax.reload() not working for DataTables in JS File
If you use the reload in this way then it will probably not work. table.ajax.reload();
How to Solve The ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’ error in Batch Edit mode for ASPxGridView
The issue occurs in Batch Edit Mode, because in this mode an empty invisible row is created and used for further grid editing. Since the Eval method returns a value type of an object, your attempt to call the ToString() method to the null value can lead to an exception. If you remove this conversion and use <%# […]
How to solve “A cursor with the name already exists” problem?
If you get this error then it means you are using global cursor that will be defined each time you are calling this procedure and give you the same error. Define a local cursor. Just put the keyword LOCAL after CURSOR: DECLARE MyCursor CURSOR LOCAL FOR … Reference
How to solve “PHP Update Required” warning on WordPress
The WordPress open-source content management system (CMS) will show warnings in its backend admin panel if the site runs on top of an outdated PHP version. The short-term plan is to migrate as many active users to more recent versions of PHP as possible so that the WordPress team can drop support for older PHP […]
How to solve ASP.NET Validation of viewstate MAC failed
STEP 1: Generate a key from KEY GENERATOR STEP 2: Place the keys in your section of web.config as below