Let’s say you want to use 2 or more classes for a div. Then you should use these classes inside the class attribute, separated by whitespace: <div class=”myFirstClass mySecondClass”></div> To target elements that contain all of the specified classes, use this CSS selector (no space) in your CSS file: .myFirstClass.mySecondClass {}
Tag: file
How to get value from resx file in C#
// Gets the value of associated with key “MyKey” from the local resource file (“~/MyPage.aspx.en.resx”) or from the default one (“~/MyPage.aspx.resx”) //The default location for resx files is App_LocalResources object keyValue = HttpContext.GetLocalResourceObject(“~/MyPage.aspx”, “MyKey”);
ignoring any ‘bin’ directory on a git project
The way to ignore all directories called bin anywhere below the current level in a directory tree is with a .gitignore file with the pattern: bin/
How to create a .gitignore file in Windows
If you’re using Windows it will not let you create a file without a filename in Windows Explorer. It will give you the error “You must type a file name” if you try to rename a text file as .gitignore You can get around this Windows Explorer error by appending a dot to the filename without […]