Let’s say we have 3 buttons and we want to show them on the same line: #outer { width:100%; text-align: center; } .inner { display: inline-block; } <div id=”outer”> <div class=”inner”><button type=”submit” class=”msgBtn” onClick=”return false;” >Save</button></div> <div class=”inner”><button type=”submit” class=”msgBtn2″ onClick=”return false;”>Publish</button></div> <div class=”inner”><button class=”msgBtnBack”>Back</button></div> </div>
Tag: component
How to use client-side function on checkbox or any asp.net component
Here is the Asp part: <label for=”chkCondition”> <asp:CheckBox ID=”chkCondition” Text=”Should i show the div?” runat=”server” onclick=”ShowHideDiv(this)” /> </label> <hr /> <div id=”divToShowOrHide” style=”display: none”> this div will be shown regarding the checkbox checked status. <asp:TextBox ID=”myTextBox” runat=”server” /> </div> And here is the Javascript part: <script type=”text/javascript”> function ShowHideDiv(chkCondition) { var divToShowOrHide = document.getElementById(“divToShowOrHide”); divToShowOrHide.style.display […]
How to apply a custom CSS class to Devexpress components
For all the Devex Components, you can use ControlStyle > CssClass property to apply your custom CSS class (Example 1 and 2) or you can do it with parameter (if it is allowed – as in Example 3). Here is 3 examples for MVC: @Html.DevExpress().SpinEditFor(m => m.Books.Rating, settings => { settings.Properties.SpinButtons.ShowIncrementButtons = true; settings.Properties.Increment = […]