First, Let’s have the table and its records:
DECLARE @TestTable TABLE (ID int, name varchar(10), email varchar(50)) INSERT @TestTable VALUES (1,'Zidane','') INSERT @TestTable VALUES (2,'Henry','') INSERT @TestTable VALUES (3,'Ronald','') INSERT @TestTable VALUES (4,'Messi','') INSERT @TestTable VALUES (5,'Ronaldo','') INSERT @TestTable VALUES (6,'Henry','')
It’s easy to find duplicates with one field:
SELECT name, COUNT(email) FROM @TestTable GROUP BY email HAVING COUNT(email) > 1
If we need to find duplicate records regarding both columns (name and email):
SELECT name,email, COUNT(*) AS CountOf FROM @YourTable GROUP BY name,email HAVING COUNT(*)>1 OUTPUT: name email CountOf ---------- ----------- ----------- Henry 2 Ronaldo 2 (2 row(s) affected)